Quarter 1 Statistics

(Jan Feb and Mar 2021)


Meals Distributed


People Supported



Our Foodbank started in 2010 to support people affected by food poverty.

Operating through a strict referral system from statutory agencies as well as other charities and faith communities, we provide fresh and non perishable food to those facing hunger.

We try to respond the same day and we can tailor food parcels to particular needs, such as those with no access to cooking facilities or for those with young children.   We also provide toiletries and small household items such as toilet roll, washing powder and even pet food if we have the items in stock.  We do what we can with the donations we received.  Our Foodbank could not operate without the generous support from the community who donate all items.  However, sometimes it can be difficult meeting with demands as referrals increase on a weekly basis.  

For further information about becoming a referring agency or the donation process, please feel free to pop along to The Gate Centre for a chat with a volunteer or staff member who would be more than happy to provide you with any information required.

We are very grateful to the general community for their continued support to operate this project, supporting the community – by the community!