Dear Member,
The AGM of The Gate will be held on Thursday the 1st of December at 3 pm at
Ludgate Church Halls
We would be delighted if you could attend, learn what we have been doing over the past year or so and the plans we have for the future. Refreshments will be available!
The 2021 AGM minutes and the annual financial accounts will be available 1 week before the AGM either in person, from The Gate Office, or electronically on confirmation of your email address. They will also be available at the meeting.
Election of Trustees
According to the constitution of the charity, written nominations are required to be lodged with The Gate Charity office by no later than 1 working day before the AGM, or sent to me by email. Each fully completed nomination form should be supported by a personal written statement by the nominee wishing to serve as a Trustee.
Should you wish to discuss what is involved in being a Trustee, please contact either Evelyn
Paterson or Val Rose on 01259 218766.