Challenge Poverty Week 2023

We are supporting this years Challenge Poverty Week, which runs from the 2nd to the 8th of October. The cost-of-living crisis has brought challenges to many in Clackmannanshire. Individuals, families, the young and the old are experiencing poverty as a result of illness, unemployment, low income or other factors out with their control.

With many people in our community facing hardship for the first time. We are asking for you to get involved and call for changes to be made that will help to eradicate preventable poverty in Clackmannanshire.

If you would like to find out more about how you can be involved contact us below.

For information about volunteering to help people in need email

For help from our foodbank contact

For support from our resilience building coordinator contact

To contribute financially towards helping those in need contact

To partner with us or for any other enquiries contact